I’ve Been Posting For Two Months Straight!

Hey! So, today marks two months straight of posting every single day. Yay! Honestly, I thought it would last for a little over three days, a week at most. I can’t believe it’s lasted two freaking months!! Wow! Alright, sorry for the super short post, but I’m working on Running, and I don’t want to lose my ideas, so I’m going to get back to that. Bye!


X-Mas Origin

Hey. First off, no, I don’t mean Christmas origin. I literally mean X-Mas origin. Anyways, I was looking up a word on Dictionary.com, and it said something like The X In X-Mas. I clicked on it and found out that the X is actually the first letter of a Greek word (Χριστός) meaning Christ. So, really, the X in X-Mas stands for Christ. That means that X-Mas is literally Christmas.  Also, on a different note, wow. I’ve been posting two posts a day for the past two days. Just, wow. Okay, that’s it for now. Bye!
