I Have A Strong Dislike For People

Hey. I’ve talked about how I coach baseball before, right? Well, last night was our first playoff game. Overall it was a pretty good game, even though we ended up losing by one, but that’s not the point. During the game, one of the parents from the other team said something about one of the kids on my team. The asshole said something along the lines of, “this kid shouldn’t be playing with eight-year-olds” or something like that. Now, that isn’t what pissed me off, but it annoyed me a bit, since the minor league goes up to age 12 and the kid in question, who I will refer to as M, is barely considered a ten-year-old this season (had he been born a month later than he was, he would’ve actually been considered a nine-year-old this season). However, I could see why someone might think that. M is a pretty big kid, and a wicked strong player.

Ugh People

Anyway, I decided to go over there and just tell the parent that, hey, M actually just turned ten, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be playing with eight-year-olds. I figured the parent had made that comment because he was worried about his kid playing against M, maybe worried that his kid might get hurt because M’s such a good (and powerful) player, and I actually just wanted to set the record straight so he wouldn’t have to worry about it. That’s the only reason I went over there at all. So, I go over there and make a couple comments about how this is a really good game, and how I feel bad for some of the pitchers because a lot of perfect strikes were being called balls by the umpire. Small talk, you know? I was talking with a couple of the parents for a minute about how it could be worse, though, and the umpire could be favoring one team over the other, so at least he’s calling balls and strikes the same for each team, even if he is saying the strikes are balls.

After a minute or two of this, I was like, “Oh, and whoever said M shouldn’t be playing with eight-year-olds, he actually just turned ten about a month ago, so he’s well within his age range.” One of the parents pretty much flips out and is like, “What are you doing, coming over here just to start something?” I’m kinda taken aback at this point. Like, seriously, I wasn’t nasty about it at all, and just wanted to correct them to make them feel better. I said, “I’m not trying to cause trouble or anything, I just wanted to say that there’s no reason why M shouldn’t be playing with eight-year-olds,” but the asshole just kept going. He was like, “I’m not gonna listen to some smart-ass teenager who doesn’t know how to respect adults. Why don’t you just go back to your own side, little girl?” Ugh, even thinking about it right now is pissing me off all over again!

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At this point, I was really starting to get pissed off. I just said, “Respect is earned, and you’re not acting like an adult right now,” which, okay, maybe wasn’t the best way to try and keep the peace, but hey, I’ve never been one to just stand there while people insult me. I was so freaking pissed at this point. Then- get this!- he yells across the field, “Hey Tigers, you wanna come get your little girl and bring her back to your side?!” and one of the coaches from the other team hears and comes over. He says to me, “Hey, come on, just leave them alone,” which I don’t blame him for, because he only heard the asshole, but still. It was annoying that he was so quick to blame me, because I’ve been involved with this baseball league for over a decade, and I’m umpired a lot of his games, so I know he knows I’m not a bad kid or a troublemaker or anything, but whatever. At that point, I just walked back over to the other side and tried to keep my mouth shut, because it just wasn’t worth it.

I freaking hate people who think they’re better than you just because they’re older. That’s bullshit. Ugh. See? This is why I don’t like people! Everyone always thinks I’m kidding when I say, “I just have a strong dislike for people in general,” but I’m being completely honest. People in general just piss me off.

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If there’s one thing I absolutely cannot stand, it’s when people have that “holier than thou” attitude. Ugh. Seriously. I just… ugh!

Well, that’s it for now. Hopefully I’ll keep posting. Bye!


P.S. As always, the links to the original pages can be found by clicking the images.