Last Night’s Grey’s Anatomy And Today’s Sophomore Retreat

Hey. I’m going to start off with a simple statement of disbelief- April chose Jackson! YESSS!! And… they got MARRIED!!! I’m kinda of in disbelief because I was right, not because she chose him. But, seriously, last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy was a huge shocker, in many ways. It made me cry, laugh, scream, yell, shout, and other things (I’m not exaggerating- I seriously yelled and screamed and shouted at the TV 🙂 ). It was AMAZING!! Callie and Arizona are actually working things out majorly (YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!), and Meredith and Christina seem to finally be starting to patch up their relationship, which is good. But, anyways, I don’t want to ruin the rest of the details for people who haven’t watched it yet, so I’ll force myself to stop and talk about today instead. Today was actually fun. We had a sophomore retreat, and even though we just stayed in the gym mostly, secluded from the freshmen, juniors, and seniors, it was still pretty awesome. One of my favorite teachers of all time shared something very personal that made me literally sob, but that’s okay, because… well, I can’t tell you, because that might give away some private details, and only he can tell people that. I just have to say this: Mr. ____ (you know who you are, even though you’ll probably never read this), I know I already told you this, but you’re really brave for going up there, in front of everyone, and spilling all of that. And I know I wrote this in the letter I gave to you, but regardless of how you got here, I’m really glad that you’re my teacher.

Alright, that’s it for this post. Sorry I couldn’t tell you more, but I can’t tell anybody. Bye!



Hey. THE WAIT IT OVER!! It’s FINALLY Thursday, and GREY’S ANATOMY IS ON TONIGHT!! I don’t know if my mom if going to let me watch it, though- my room isn’t clean yet 😦 I just haven’t had the time! Okay, sorry for the short post, but I’m going to go work on overdrive to go clean my room. Bye!


I Had A Bad Not-Fever Today

Hey. So, I bet you’re wondering what I mean by “not-fever,” right? Well, let me tell you what happened to me in school today. It all started when my art teacher, Mr. Sampl, noticed that I was shivering really, really badly because I was freezing, even though everyone else was complaining how his room must be the hottest room in the school. He sent me to the nurse because he was worried that I might be sick. So, I get the the nurse, she takes my temperature, and do you wanna know what the thermometer said? 95.7°F. Yep, you read that right. Ninety-five freaking degrees! I took it out of my mouth when it beeped, looked at it, and handed it to the nurse, saying “I think it must be broken.” She said no, she had just taken some other kid’s temp earlier, and it worked just fine, and asked why I thought that while looking down at what it read. A second later she says, “I’m sure it works fine. You’re just really cold, I guess.” So, long story short, I had to wear my big winter jacket all day. In my school that has uniforms, with a strict “only wear BCHS fleeces or sweaters during the school day” rule. Yeah, I got some weird looks, but it was better than freezing. Alright, I gotta go do homework. Oh, and don’t worry- I haven’t forgotten about that requested post. I just haven’t finished it yet. Bye!


I Have So Many Ideas For Running

Hey. Well, I have SO MANY IDEAS, it’s not even funny. Like seriously, I spent a whole English class writing scenes for it when I should’ve been taking notes. Although these scenes are all going to take place a little later, it’s still good to write, that way I don’t forget them. Although, maybe I should put a little less detail into them- I probably have half of Running written already, and only three of the first consecutive chapters ready to be put up on Wattpad! Oh well. Whatever works 🙂 Anyways, I gotta go. I’m at school, and my mom or dad is going to be here any minute to pick me up. Bye!


School Tomorrow

Hey! Well, February vacation’s over, at least for me and my brothers (although I’m sure that they would disagree and tell me it’s not over until they get to school 🙂 )- my sister has tomorrow off, thanks to a teacher training day at her school. I’m happy to go back (like I used to be before those assholes at the public school started to bully me), except for the fact that I have a Dos quiz tomorrow. Which, by the way, quizzes are harder than tests. Alright, sorry for the short post, but there’s a request for a post (well, maybe not exactly a request, but I made it one 🙂 ) and I’m so excited that I’m going to start it now! Bye!


I NEED To Get My Room Clean!

Hey! Well, I really, really need to get my room spotless before 9:00 pm five days from now. Do you know why? Because Grey’s Anatomy is on in five days, of course! Plus, I’m not allowed to watch it until my room is clean 😦 As much as I hate this possible punishment (pfft it’s not gonna be a punishment- I have so much motivation to get my room clean because of this, it’s not even funny!), you have to give it to my mom- she finally figured out how to adequately make me care about punishments! And I’m not being snarky, either. I can honestly say that normally I don’t care about being punished, sadly. I wish it weren’t true, because then the thought of a punishment would scare me into doing whatever it is I’m supposed to do. But I don’t, so she’s trying to get creative. Not being able to watch Grey’s Anatomy? Yeah, she did a good job, because there is NO WAY that I’m going to let that happen! Alright, I’ve spent five minutes working on this post. That’s enough time away from my room. I’ve gotta go clean it so I can watch Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday! Bye!



Hey! Well, I finally did it! After over a month, I updated Running. If you want to read Running on Wattpad, click the links below:

There you have it, folks! Now, please go read! And you can make a free account and follow me to receive instant notification whenever I post a story. I’ll follow you back because 1. that’s just what I do, and 2. I like to have my followers and following icons match up. I think it’s cool. Anyways, sorry for the short post, but I’m going to go work on Running some more while I have the time. By the way, that’s why I didn’t update, because I didn’t have type to write. Alright, that’s it. Bye!


I Can’t Think Of A Title

Hey. Well, that title-that’s-not-a-title works, actually. It’s fitting, because there’re no words. Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start when I found out about the video. Someone posted it on Facebook in the group Life with Autumn, a group supporting Autumn, a teenage girl fighting cancer. Now that I think about it, I don’t really know why (you’ll see why I say this when you watch the video). Anyways, this video it made me sob, and my heart hasn’t stopped hurting yet, even though I watched it a half hour ago. It’s a mother singing a song she wrote to her daughter dying of cancer. Her daughter is lying in the bed in the video. She’s in a coma. Here, watch it:

I felt compelled to share this. Sorry for the short post, but I have no more to say. Bye.


An Update To My Previous Post

Hey! Well, in case you don’t feel like scrolling down a little to find the last post I did (or maybe this is open in a different window and you don’t feel like going back), here’s the link to the post Apparently I’m REALLY Smart…. And if you don’t feel like reading it, I’ll recap (mostly because maybe it’ll help make it sink in). So, when I was accepted into BCHS, my acceptance letter stated that because I got the highest score on the placement exam, I received a scholarship. Yesterday, my mom and dad had a meeting with my principal and a few other important school people, which resulted in my parents being some stunning news. My mom told me the news (or part of it, I just found out) that apparently I not only scored the highest in the school, I scored one of the highest in the country! Whoa, right? But wait until you hear this next part: I didn’t just get one of the highest scores in the country, I scored in the TOP 1% IN THE COUNTRY!! Okay, I just re-read what I just wrote, and I think it just sunk in a little, because I feel… I don’t know how to describe it. But I only feel like this a little bit, so it still needs to sink in more. Still, how?! Alright, I’m going to end the post here, since I just forgot what I wanted to say next. Bye!
