I Need Your Help

Hey. So, my family and I have lived in our current home for over eleven years now. Our rent, when added with our usual monthly bills and stuff, consumes almost all of my family’s monthly income. My mom is working a lot of hours per week, at two separate jobs, while somehow continuing to be the primary caretaker of my three younger siblings, as well as the person who keeps the house organized and prevents all hell from breaking loose. My dad, who has very severe chronic pain, hasn’t been able to work for many years (I think it’s been more than four…), and often is unable to help out in his already-limited everyday household happenings, like cooking dinner, driving to the store and stuff, or even helping Amanda (eight years old) and AJ (6 years old) with their homework. I have ADHD, anxiety (which causes OCD), and chronic Lyme, and have also just recently been diagnosed on the low end of the spectrum for Asperger’s (which may also be causing ODD and a mood disorder). Although I do my best to pitch in, I’m not always, um, helpful, and typically my attempts to help out… well, they ultimately add to the chaos (I’m always working on that). My uncle also lives with us on weekends, and my family also includes Burban and Popsicle, a cat and a hamster.

We’re doing very badly financially, frankly. I’m used to it, because we’ve had very little money for the majority of my life. However, even disregarding the fact that it’s never been this bad, no one should have to worry about keeping their children warm and fed with a roof over their heads, and I can’t stand to see my parents so stressed all the time. My mom is even having blood pressure problems because of this.

Getting back to our house, it has many problems for us. For one, we don’t fit in it, leaving my littlest siblings to share a room (which is very detrimental to them, especially to their sleep and right to privacy), and my parents to have their bed downstairs in a musty-smelling half-way room with no door, separated by the TV by only half of a half wall. Also, our house is very, very poorly insulated, our basement leaks every time a small drizzle happens, and our appliances break constantly because our landlord only fixes them half-assed every time, and never has an expert or professional come look at it. Adding to this is the fact that our house is home to an unknown number of mice, insects, stupid stupid spiders, and many other unwanted things… including mold. My mom believes this is adding to my family’s health issues, including asthma and allergies, which we all have, some of use very severely (we regularly need to use our nebulizer for asthma, for example). Though we’ve been looking for opportunities to move for years, we’ve had no luck.

Until now.

We’ve been offered an affordable housing option that will suit almost all of our family needs, which is located in a great neighborhood for my siblings to grow up. The only problem is, we may not be able to make it happen. We currently don’t have enough money to even begin paying for closing costs. With Christmas being less than 30 days away, and the timeline for this being we would move in around January or February, we are in desperate need of a miracle. I’m asking you to please help.

Please share this link everywhere and anywhere you possibly can, and encourage your friends to do the same. It leads to a fundraising page to help with the costs of this amazing opportunity. Please consider donating if you are able to do so, as every bit counts. I can’t imagine coming this close and losing it all.

Thank you so much for your time! Bye!


The Worst Part About Being Grounded Is Not Being Able To Watch Grey’s Anatomy

Hey. Well, I’m really sad. I know, I know, enough about Grey’s Anatomy, but I love it so much, and it’s a huge part of my life, so that’s why I write about it a lot. Anyways, in case you didn’t know, it was on last night, because it was Thursday yesterday. I was in bed, trying (unsuccessfully) to sleep (I sleep less when I’m sick, unlike everyone else in the world), and all of a sudden I hear Meredith Grey’s voice, talking like she does in the beginning of every Grey’s Anatomy episode. I groan, because really, Mom? You just had to torture me like that, didn’t you? I didn’t want to listen, for two reasons. One, I wasn’t allowed to watch the last episode, because I was grounded, so I was an episode behind. And two, I didn’t want to listen and then watch it later, because that isn’t as entertaining (even though it’s still enjoyable). So, I tried (also unsuccessfully) to block out the sound for an hour by putting my pillow and blankets over my head to block out the sound (which is really hard to do if you still want to be able to breathe). I eventually resorted to saying “la la la la la la la” for forty five minutes. Yeah, it wasn’t fun. But it was better than hearing spoilers, seeing as I haven’t watched the last episode yet. Anyways, I have to go do some homework. Bye!


The Problem And Other Things

Hey! So, you know that thing that was happening? Well, I think I figured out the problem- I was typing the posts up on my kindle, and I normally type the posts on my laptop, so maybe that had something to do with it (UPDATE: I just saved the post, and it worked, so I think that was it!). Anyways, the March 7 post was supposed to be about how I went to a Providence Bruins game, but they lost in a shootout, except I still had fun, even though I was sick. My brother’s band played during the game, so that was cool. I have no idea what the March 8 post was supposed to be about. Probably something about how the Black-And-White-Masquerade-Ball was that night. Yeah, it was last night. It was pretty fun. I was kinda tired, though, but I still really enjoyed myself. Anyways, I have some homework to do. Maybe I’ll do another post later, cuz I have a lot of ideas. Alright, bye!


It’s Vacation!!

Hey. Well, my February vacation started a little while ago today, which means (probably) longer, more thorough posts, and I’m definitely going to do my best to get as much of Running written as possible. I actually don’t have a shit-load of homework to do over break, surprisingly. All I have is a Dos essay and to study a bunch for Spanish. Alright, sorry for the short post, but I have to go. I meant it to be longer, really I did, but I need to go now. Sorry! Bye!


Homework, Homework, And More Homework

Hey. Well, as the title may show, I have a lot of homework tonight. Which means, I won’t be able to get up AJ’s favorite memory post today. Sorry! But I have to write a Dos essay and finish an English essay, both due tomorrow. And I’m NOT going to just go “oh, there’s probably gonna be a snow day tomorrow” like most kids do. So, sorry for the short post, but I wanted to keep my posting streak, and I have homework to do. Bye!


Superbowl Tomorrow!

Hey! So, I have a dilemma. The Superbowl is tomorrow, but I’m grounded until my room is cleaned, but I have a long homework assignment to do. I want to watch it, but I probably won’t be able to, and that’ll be the first time in like, ten years that I haven’t. ~sigh~ Well, I really hope it works out. Sorry for the short post, but this didn’t fit in with the other post that I’m trying to get up today, plus I wanted to keep my posting streak. Bye!


P.S. GO SEAHAWKS!! (Just because I don’t like the Broncos since they beat the Patriots).

I Hate Not Having Time To Do Fun Stuff

Hey. UGH! I’m not going to repeat the title, so go look at it again if you don’t remember. I really hate it. Especially since I haven’t updated Running in two weeks, because I haven’t had enough freaking time! And I LOVE where it’s going to go, so I’m really motivated to update so it can get there! But nooooooo, of course life can’t give me time. Between midterms, and homework, and my mom deciding that she’s going to really crack down on making me clean my room, I’ve had, like, no time to type! I HATE it 😦 Alright, I have to go finish homework. Sorry for the short post. Bye!


Lots Of Homework

Hey. Sorry, but this is going to be a short post, because I have a lot of homework to do. I have to memorize my English speech (which I still haven’t given yet), I have to do four source outlines for Dos (history), plus I have to put together two powerpoints for English! UGH! But I guess that’s all part of high school, right? Anyways, I just wanted to keep my posting streak. Bye!


Running Chapter 2 And Saving Mr. Banks

Hey. First, this is a scheduled post. I’m going to be doing homework all day today, and I like to post things in the middle of the day, so this post is going to be scheduled for 5:26 pm, EST. Now, let’s get started. Well, Running Chapter 2 is published on Wattpad. It can be found here. I just want to keep you updated on Running because I really like it. A lot. Anyway, on to the events of last night. Last night, Gabby called and asked me if I wanted to go see Saving Mr. Banks. I, of course, not one to pass up the opportunity to go see a movie or to go to the mall, said yes. My dad agreed to drive us there for 8:30 and pick us up at 11:20, since it started at 9:15, and it was two hours long (then add five minutes at the end for a bathroom break). We walked around the mall, and then, when it was 9:00, when the mall was closing, we retreated to the theater to buy our tickets and snacks and drinks. The movie was really good, but it started late, so we weren’t out until 11:40, so my dad was worrying and he called me towards the end of the movie, at 11:35 or something. I quickly whispered that we were fine but the movie ran late, then hung up. When the movie ended, we ran out to the car and I explained that the movie started late and that I tried to text him, but apparently didn’t press send, and that I was sorry for worrying him. He said it was fine, and we went home. And that was my night! It was fun. Alright, now I have to go to church. When I get home, I have to clean my whole room and finish my school work 😦 Bye!
