Camp NaNoWriMo Starts Today

Hey. The wait is over. Camp NaNoWriMo officially started eleven hours and forty two minutes ago as of now, and I’ve barely started my outline. I guess I’m going to have to work on it a lot once I finish the daily word count. This sucks.

I’m so bad at not procrastinating. My room is supposed to be clean by Thursday, and while I was given wrong information about that at first (when asked, my mom said it doesn’t have to be fully clean, just big progress, but now she went back on that ), I still haven’t worked on it as much as I should have.

In other news, it’s exactly an hour after I started this post. I just went to look for Burban and I can’t find her anywhere. I can’t even hear her meow. It’s kinda worrying me, so I’m going to go try and find her. Bye!


Making Covers For Books Is So Much Fun!

Hey! Guess what? I made someone on Wattpad a cover for their book, and they choose it over other people’s covers to use as their one and only cover to display!! Yay! But, so far, that’s only happened twice, although only two people have turned me down (since all the other 10 are still deciding). For example, here’re some of the covers that I’ve made:

This one is one of my favorites!

This is the one that someone else is using! 😀

Alright, I gotta go clean my room if I want to watch this weeks Grey’s Anatomy. Which I do, of course. And my mom wants my room clean by tomorrow anyways, so blech. Wish me luck! Bye!


I NEED To Get My Room Clean!

Hey! Well, I really, really need to get my room spotless before 9:00 pm five days from now. Do you know why? Because Grey’s Anatomy is on in five days, of course! Plus, I’m not allowed to watch it until my room is clean 😦 As much as I hate this possible punishment (pfft it’s not gonna be a punishment- I have so much motivation to get my room clean because of this, it’s not even funny!), you have to give it to my mom- she finally figured out how to adequately make me care about punishments! And I’m not being snarky, either. I can honestly say that normally I don’t care about being punished, sadly. I wish it weren’t true, because then the thought of a punishment would scare me into doing whatever it is I’m supposed to do. But I don’t, so she’s trying to get creative. Not being able to watch Grey’s Anatomy? Yeah, she did a good job, because there is NO WAY that I’m going to let that happen! Alright, I’ve spent five minutes working on this post. That’s enough time away from my room. I’ve gotta go clean it so I can watch Grey’s Anatomy on Thursday! Bye!


Superbowl Tomorrow!

Hey! So, I have a dilemma. The Superbowl is tomorrow, but I’m grounded until my room is cleaned, but I have a long homework assignment to do. I want to watch it, but I probably won’t be able to, and that’ll be the first time in like, ten years that I haven’t. ~sigh~ Well, I really hope it works out. Sorry for the short post, but this didn’t fit in with the other post that I’m trying to get up today, plus I wanted to keep my posting streak. Bye!


P.S. GO SEAHAWKS!! (Just because I don’t like the Broncos since they beat the Patriots).

Running Chapter 2 And Saving Mr. Banks

Hey. First, this is a scheduled post. I’m going to be doing homework all day today, and I like to post things in the middle of the day, so this post is going to be scheduled for 5:26 pm, EST. Now, let’s get started. Well, Running Chapter 2 is published on Wattpad. It can be found here. I just want to keep you updated on Running because I really like it. A lot. Anyway, on to the events of last night. Last night, Gabby called and asked me if I wanted to go see Saving Mr. Banks. I, of course, not one to pass up the opportunity to go see a movie or to go to the mall, said yes. My dad agreed to drive us there for 8:30 and pick us up at 11:20, since it started at 9:15, and it was two hours long (then add five minutes at the end for a bathroom break). We walked around the mall, and then, when it was 9:00, when the mall was closing, we retreated to the theater to buy our tickets and snacks and drinks. The movie was really good, but it started late, so we weren’t out until 11:40, so my dad was worrying and he called me towards the end of the movie, at 11:35 or something. I quickly whispered that we were fine but the movie ran late, then hung up. When the movie ended, we ran out to the car and I explained that the movie started late and that I tried to text him, but apparently didn’t press send, and that I was sorry for worrying him. He said it was fine, and we went home. And that was my night! It was fun. Alright, now I have to go to church. When I get home, I have to clean my whole room and finish my school work 😦 Bye!
