RIP Peter Habib

Today I found out about the loss of a good guy. He was such a gentleman, and I’ll never forget how he always wore a suit and tie to school. He always held doors for you, and was the nicest boy I’ve ever met. He was 15 or 16. How horrible is that? Please, keep him and his family in your prayers.

Hate #2: Backstabbers

Hey. So, keeping the hate train going. My next hate is ~drumroll~ backstabbers. Once upon a time, I had a nice (or so I thought) best friend named Nicole. She angered easily, and would stay mad at you for days, but I looked past it, because I didn’t have a lot of friends, and wanted her to stay. One day, after a particularly cruel conversation on AIM with her in the seventh grade, she made fun of my ADHD. I was PISSED! I immediately tried to go defensive, and soon left the conversation (which she started, by the way). We got over it, but nothing was ever the same between us, and we drifted apart. I found my new, awesome best friend, Gabby, over at gabbyisspeaking. She’s only got mad at me once in four years, and she’s a good friend. Love you Gabby! Anyways, that’s it for the hate train for today. Bye!

Starting A Hate Train (Sorry Gabby)

Hey. So, I’m starting a hate train. I stole the idea from my blogging friend over at gabbyisspeaking. Anyways, my first hate is ~drumroll~ autocorrect. Like just now, I tried to put ‘sucks’ and it made it Sufis. What the hell is Sufis?! And when I put ‘hate’ it puts hats or hatred or bate. What the fuck? And it won’t say fuck, only duck and tuck! Like, I know what I want to say so DON’T FRICKEN CORRECT ME! But of course, it won’t correct words that I actually spell wrong. Fucking autocorrect. I hate it. Well, my rant is over. Bye for now!

State Championship Ceremony

Hey. Well, you know how we won the state championship? So, we had a big celebration for it yesterday, and guess what? The mayor proclaimed that ‘this day in March is hereby known as Connolly Cougar day’ in the city where my school is! AWESOMENESS!!!! Even though the ceremony dragged on and on (it ended 20 minutes late!) it was still really cool.  Anyways, I have to go clean my room, so bye for now!