The Before High School Me

Before high school, I was a loner, with a few good friends and that was it. I was bullied and teased, along with my best friend. I wanted to get out of the school I was in, because I could trace all of my problems back to there. I was miserable most of the time. Now, I actually like school, and I hate to be absent. Like I am now. I went home sick, but that’s for the next post. Anyways, now I have a lot of friends, and I’m happy as can be mostly. I am LOVING life right now, and can’t wait to not be sick anymore. Is it weird that I like school? Bye!

Hate #4: Slow Computers

Hey. So, my next hate is ~drumroll~ slow computers. Yuck. They screw everything up, especially if you’re playing a game. Like The Sims 3, for instance. I try to play it, but my stupid laptop is so slow that my Sims take like 1 step every 5 seconds! It’s so annoying! Or when you’re trying to scroll down to read something, and you scroll once. When it freezes, you scroll like a million times in annoyance and anger and by the time it unfreezes you’ve scrolled so much that the screen is at the bottom of what you were trying to read, so you have to scroll back up and try to find where you left off. But it’s a never ending cycle, because when you scroll up the same thing happens, and you find yourself at the top of what you were trying to read. Anyways, that’s my rant for today. Bye!


Hates Anyone?

Hey. So, I’ve been thinking, I’m telling you all of my hates, but I don’t know any of yours. So, if you could just comment some hates of yours, I’ll make a post about them with what I think as well as what you think, so be sure to include a small explanation. Or not. But it would be more interesting if you did.  Anyways, comment away. Don’t leave me hanging! I want some comments down there, people!


Boston Bombings

Hey. So, you probably already know about he bombings. Most likely. And if you didn’t, well, now you do. Anyways, one of the bombers is a student at UMass Dartmouth, which is sorta, kinda near where I live. Scary, right? But Boston is probably the only city that will stop everything to hunt the bomber down. Yeah, Boston is the wrong city to mess with. Anyways, my family and I are fine. We didn’t go to the marathon. We are okay. Just wanted to tell you that. Bye!

Hate #3: Judgement

Hey. So, my next hate is ~drumroll~ judgement. It’s just so mean. Nobody’s perfect, so why pretend that you are? Because that’s what people do when they judge, because only if you’re perfect do you have the right to judge. Judging is just plain mean. Don’t do it. It makes people feel bad, and leads to bullying, which makes people feel worse. I hate judgemental people. Okay, that’s my rant of the day. Bye!