This Is Going To Be Short

Hey! Well, Gabby is still here, and I still have some homework to finish, so I probably won’t get a any of those long posts up today, but I didn’t want to lose my posting streak, which is why you’re reading this. Anyways, sorry for the short post, but I need to go entertain Gabby and go finish my homework. Bye!


Sledding, Sick, And Possible Longer Posts

Hey! So, today we went sledding. I’m still sick, but decided to go anyways. I ended up going down a few times before taking my inhaler and then sitting in the car for an hour. I ended up falling asleep. Now, Gabby is coming over, and we’re going to go to the mall, so who knows what’s going to happen with sickly me. On another note, though, I have some long posts in the making, so you can look forward to those. Sorry for the short post, but I just wanted to keep my posting streak, plus I didn’t have a lot of time today. Bye!


Last Night

Hey! So, last night I slept over at Gabby’s house. I asked her to basically teach me how she gets her hair looking so awesome, and although it didn’t come out exactly like hers, it’s still really good.  We also put some makeup on me. Wanna see how I looked??

I don’t know about you, but I really like that look. I’m going to go to school like that (and actually wearing contacts- I can’t see in this picture! 🙂 ) from now on (I hope!) because I really like that look. How about you? Bye!


P.S. I forgot this in my last post, but I also don’t like the Broncos because I don’t like either of the Mannings

Running Chapter 2 And Saving Mr. Banks

Hey. First, this is a scheduled post. I’m going to be doing homework all day today, and I like to post things in the middle of the day, so this post is going to be scheduled for 5:26 pm, EST. Now, let’s get started. Well, Running Chapter 2 is published on Wattpad. It can be found here. I just want to keep you updated on Running because I really like it. A lot. Anyway, on to the events of last night. Last night, Gabby called and asked me if I wanted to go see Saving Mr. Banks. I, of course, not one to pass up the opportunity to go see a movie or to go to the mall, said yes. My dad agreed to drive us there for 8:30 and pick us up at 11:20, since it started at 9:15, and it was two hours long (then add five minutes at the end for a bathroom break). We walked around the mall, and then, when it was 9:00, when the mall was closing, we retreated to the theater to buy our tickets and snacks and drinks. The movie was really good, but it started late, so we weren’t out until 11:40, so my dad was worrying and he called me towards the end of the movie, at 11:35 or something. I quickly whispered that we were fine but the movie ran late, then hung up. When the movie ended, we ran out to the car and I explained that the movie started late and that I tried to text him, but apparently didn’t press send, and that I was sorry for worrying him. He said it was fine, and we went home. And that was my night! It was fun. Alright, now I have to go to church. When I get home, I have to clean my whole room and finish my school work 😦 Bye!


Successful Shopping Trip!

Hey! Today, me and my mom went shopping! I got a crap-load of clothes! First, we went to American Eagle, where I got three pairs of jeans, a sweater, and a nice top. Then, we went into JC Penny, where I found a nice jacket, marked down $55, from $85 to $35, plus another shirt. After that, when we went into Aeropostale, I got boots, and a few nice shirts. Last, we went to Hollister. I got a pair of jeans, plus a few shirts. Normally, we don’t shop in those stores (except JC Penny) because they’re all wayyyy too expensive, but they were all having massive sales, like 70% off sales, so we took advantage of those amazing opportunities and shopped our butts off. Now, I’m sitting here on my bed, with my laptop on my lap, trying to type with my kitten Burban sitting on my chest. It’s hard, and I’m getting frustrated with all the typos I’m making, so I’m going to end the post now. Bye!


P.S. Breaking news! I’m going to see Saving Mr. Banks with Gabby tonight!


Why I Believe

Hey! Well, this one is for Gabby. First, I will clarify that I am referring to religion. Now, let me start by explaining how this post came to be. I was scrolling through the Freshly Pressed posts, and a tag (and then its title) struck my eye. The tag was suicide. The title was An Open Letter to the Lost (I haven’t read it yet, because then all the ideas for this post started coming to me, and I wanted to get them all down before I forgot about them, but I do plan on reading it). I then got the idea to write a somewhat inspirational post of my own (as I’m sure that that post was inspirational). I thought for a second on what to write, and then it came to me. I could explain why I believed what I did. I got this idea because of Gabby. I won’t say anything else about her and her religion except this: whenever she sleeps over, when we’re falling asleep, we have the most epic conversations about religion, and in the last one we had she asked me why I believed what I did. I answered her, and now I will answer you. So, here it is. Why I’m a Roman Catholic.

I’ll start with stating the obvious, which is that my parents raised me to share their beliefs. Although this is a part of it, over the past few years, I have grown in my faith and have become what I believe to be religiously independent from my parents. While we mostly still have the same beliefs (some very minute details might differ a bit), nothing is holding me to believe the same thing as my parents. I just choose to believe what I do, and that just so happens to be the same thing that my parents do.

Now, on to the more in-depth reasons. First, I’ll start with why I believe in God. I’ll begin with the simple fact that I’ve thought of the option of not believing in Him, and, to be honest with you, it just doesn’t make sense to me. Not that I don’t respect atheism, because I have nothing against atheists. One of my best friends calls herself an atheist. It’s just, how can you believe that the universe wasn’t created by some higher power? That it was just there? Plus, how can you believe that there’s nothing after death? The simple thought of nothing after dying scared the hell out of me when I was little (yes, I had a mid-life crisis at age 8). So, yeah, I just can’t grasp the concept of no God.

Another reason why I believe in God is because of my answered prayers. Many times, right after I’ve prayed, they are answered. Other times, it takes a little longer, but the prayer is still answered. Sure, there are prayers that still haven’t been answered, and that can’t be answered anymore (for example, ‘please let my grandma live’), but, for the most part (not the ‘please let my grandma live’ one), the result of those unanswered prayers has been greater than the result that I was hoping for when I prayed. God works in wonderful ways. You just have to stop and pay attention for once, instead of complaining because of that one unanswered prayer that turned out better than ever.

The next reason why I believe in God is because of miracles. And for all you people going ‘miracles don’t exist,’ then I believe because of ‘events that can’t be scientifically proved.’ Seriously, people, how else would these things happen? If the smartest people in the world can’t come up with an explanation, then what else can it be besides God?

The last reason (that I’m going to share) is because of a book. Yes, a book, but not just any book. This book is about a four-year-old boy, Colton. In case you haven’t guessed, the book is Heaven Is For Real. It’s narrated by Colton’s dad, although it uses a lot of the same phrases Colton did. It tells the story of Colton’s journey to Heaven and back. It’s a very powerful, moving book. You should definitely read it sometime!

Now, on to why I believe in Jesus. Again, the first reason I’m going to use is the fact that it’s how my parents raised me. Like I said before, although they raised me to believe in Jesus, over the past few years, because of many things, I have formed my own religious beliefs and have become independent from my parents, at least religiously speaking. My beliefs may coincide with my parents’, but they are my own.

The first in-depth reason that I’m going to use is His Resurrection. First, there were so many people who saw the risen Lord, like Mary Magdalene, doubting Thomas,  the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and the Apostles when they locked themselves in the room. There’s also the empty tomb, which is where Jesus’ burial clothes were found with Jesus’ image… um… etched into them, for lack of a better term.

The last reason I’m going to use, for believing in Jesus and believing in God, is faith. I simply have faith in them. I can’t really elaborate on that except by saying if you’re Catholic you’ll understand. I just believe, and I hope you do, too.

Wow, this was a really, really long post. Well, I hope that anyone who didn’t respect my beliefs before, does respect them now. Seriously, though, this took me a couple hours (not straight- I was working on this on and off throughout the day). Alright, I’m done with blogging for tonight. Time to go work on my essay 😦 Bye!


P.S. The original URL for the pictures can be found by clicking on the pictures.

Where Are You Burban?!

Hey. Burban is missing. We can’t find her anywhere. She’s been AWOL since around 3 in the afternoon (I think that’s when I saw her last). It was around when Gabby left. Which scares me, cuz it makes me wonder if she somehow got past me and out the door, even though I was watching for her. I’m crying. I’m so scared. What if she’s hurt? What if she’s dead?

Hey again! The reason I say that is because that first part was written about a half hour ago. I stopped the post and went to find Burban. Following advice from my Uncle’s mom (not my grandma, since he’s not my blood uncle, but he’s my uncle in all the other ways), I looked in Amanda and AJ’s closet (they share a room), and after pushing aside all of the crap that was in a huge pile on the closet floor, found Burban! I was so relieved! I pulled her out and into my arms for a ginormous bear hug, which, surprisingly, she stayed calm and still for (she normally stays still for hugs from me and my mom, no one else, but I hugged her very, very tightly). I am so happy right now, you don’t even know. Phew. My mind was going to dark places, like thinking she wasn’t going to be here for Christmas and stuff like that. But it’s all better now. Thank you, God! Alright, I guess that’s it. Oh, wait. I kept my posting streak. Again! This is the seventh day, I believe. Okay, that’s really it. Bye!


Godspell The Musical

Hey! So, today I went and saw Godspell The Musical with my aunt. It was awesome. Really moving, and pretty funny, too. Okay, I can’t really spend a lot of time on this post, since Gabby is over and I need to be a good host and entertain her, so I will end right now. Sorry for the short post, but I wanted to keep my streak of posting everyday. I’ll put more tomorrow, hopefully. Bye!


Christmas Shopping Is Done!!

Hey! Thanks to Amazon and my Dad’s credit card (for the ordering- I’m paying for the stuff myself…), my Christmas shopping is D-O-N-E done! Yay! Now I can focus on other, “fun” things, like waiting for Christmas. Have I ever mentioned that I hate patience? WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! If you are Mrs. Arruda, Mom, Dad, Ro, Mina, AJ, Uncle, Gabby, Rebecca, or Zach, do not, I repeat, do NOT read any further. Skip the rest of this post until after Christmas, since I will be in the middle of telling everyone what your gifts are. So, here we go. For Mrs. Arruda, we require a bit of a backstory. She is our school’s secretary, and she does, like, EVERYTHING! Well, her dad died last month, a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. When I went to his wake, I gave her a box. In it was a note (among two other things that I might say in another post). It said not to worry about her dad, because I knew he was in Heaven, since I saw two rainbows, one on each side of the sun, the day he died (I explained in the note how I read somewhere how everytime someone dies, God sends a rainbow to carry them to Heaven). Ever since then, she has been seeing rainbows everywhere. So, for Christmas, to get her into the Christmas spirit (she hasn’t been feeling it, understandably), I decided to give her a gift. It is a Kikkerland Window-Mount Solar-Powered Heart Rainbow Maker. Isn’t that a great idea?! I thought so. I just hope it isn’t late, since it is supposed to be in on Thursday, and Friday is the last school day of the year. Anyway, for Mom, I got a nice clear glass cross. For Dad, a Steelers fan, I got a Terrible Towel. For Ro (Roman), my brother, I got another Terrible Towel, plus a mini Statue Of Liberty. For Mina (Amanda), my sister, an I ❤ NY coin purse, a mini NY bell, and a mini Statue Of Liberty. For AJ, my brother, a Santa-In-The-Box, a mini NY bell, and a mini Statue Of Liberty. For Uncle, a serious Trekkie (like me 🙂 ), a replica Starfleet Command division badge. For Gabby, one of my best friends, a creeper (Minecraft) pendant necklace. For Rebecca, my other best friend and a lover of Lord Of The Rings, an action figure set with Bilbo, Thorin, Dwalin, Kili, and Fili. And for Zach, my cousin, a Patriots licence plate frame. Aren’t those great ideas?! Wow, this was a long post. I will end it here. Bye!


New York And A Big Thank You To Bing And Grey’s Anatomy

Hey. Well, if there’s one good thing that came out of not airing a Grey’s Anatomy on Thanksgiving, it’s that a couple new people discovered my blog, thanks to them searching Bing for some answers as to if there was an episode or not. I would still rather have an episode to watch, but whatever. Also, I went to New York with Gabby and her mom and two of her mom’s friends on Sunday! It was so much fun! We just shopped, but I got my Christmas shopping done for my little brother A.J. and little sister Amanda. The train ride back was hilarious. Okay, I have to go read and make an outline for my history homework, then study for an art quiz tomorrow. Bye!
