Stupid Confirmation Retreat

Hey! So, this is a scheduled post, because, guess what?! Today (tomorrow when I’m writing this post) I’m at a 12-hour confirmation retreat. Yippee. Oh what fun. Ha. Yeah, right. They’re so boring, except for the two we’ve had at a cathedral in Providence. Those were pretty fun, or at least interesting. I’ll tell you how it went later. Bye (wish me luck! I’ll need it 😦 )!


I Hate Quarter Projects!

Hey. Okay, I MOSTLY hate quarter projects. I hate the stress of them. I normally like how I get to write as much as I want, except for the times when the final essay is only two pages (I’m looking at you, first quarter US History I Honors project!). My outline for Dos’ class (again, that’s history if you haven’t caught on by now or if you’re new 🙂 ) is due after vacation, and I have to read, like, up to six books. I know, I know, once I get to college, it’ll be much harder, blah blah blah, but I’m only in high school. And while I do like the extra challenge, I don’t exactly fly through books that don’t hold my attention. Sure, I can read a Harry Potter book in an hour, but a five hundred page book on the Jacksonian Era? Forget it! Ugh, it just sounds so boring. I’ve barely started, so I can’t really say much about any of the three books I’ve chosen to start off with (if I need more information I’ll go on to the other three), but I don’t have very high expectations. I think that writing the essay itself will be fairly fun, but I have to get through the books first. Meh. Alright, that’s it for now. I gotta go read some of those books. Wish me luck! Bye!


Not Much To Say About Today

Hey. Haha, I rhymed! Hahahaha! 🙂 Anyways, well, look at that. I remembered to post today, like I said I would try to do. Yay! So, today was okay, kinda neutral, not really good or bad. Not much happened today, but I DO plan on putting up another chapter of The Crystal Guardians: Book 1 on Wattpad tonight. Okay, I think that’s it. I know, it’s short, but seriously, today was pretty boring. Bye!



Hey. I am so so so bored right now. As much as I LOVE history class with the awesomest history teacher EVER, it can get boring sometimes. Like now. I really don’t care about the beginning of the fall of Rome. It’s not like I’m gonna need to know this. I have no idea why they make us take history. There’s no point. I mean, I get that you should know the basic stuff, but why do we need to go so in-depth? I like the class in general, but I don’t like the subject. It’s not really interesting. Now, see, an interesting class could be biology, but I have a sucky teacher who doesn’t dissect stuff, and doesn’t actually TEACH us- she just gives us the information and expects us to understand. Plus, she’s mean, too. Like, if one person is being stupid and not listening, then she gives the whole class detention. Not kidding. True story. I hate Ms. Lamas. I know, funny name. The first days of school we referred to her as the llama lady. Anyways, I have to go- the bell’s gonna ring soon. And besides, we have mass after biology. Bye for now!
