Damn, Where The Hell Did 2015 Go?

Hey everyone. Yep, I’m still alive. I know I said I would try and start posting again, and I really have been meaning to. However, I’ve been struggling over the past few months. I don’t really know how to describe it other than by saying I still haven’t recovered from my latest relapse of Lyme symptoms. For the second time, when they recurred, my cognitive function was really hit hard. I stumble over my words; I know exactly what I want to say, but there’s a disconnect somewhere when I’m trying to actually communicate whatever it is that I’m trying to convey. To put it bluntly, it fucking sucks, especially when the one thing I have always prided myself on over the course of my entire life is my unique advanced mental capabilities.

But whatever. I’ve been dwelling on it so much lately that I don’t really want to get into it right now. Anyways, let me just say this:

Holy shit.

It’s already Christmas Eve?! How the hell did that happen? I’m not used to time flying by. I’ve only had five years of practice, and in those five years so many things have changed so drastically, it would be hard for me to keep up with even without factoring in time starting to seem to fly. Ever since my grandma died in June of 2010, at the end of my 6th grade year, time has flown by. I remember thinking to myself on the morning of 7th grade field day, in June of 2011, “Wait, it’s almost summer already? Didn’t school, like, just start again??”

2015 has been a pretty crappy year in itself, too. Well, maybe not majorly crappy so much as insanely stressful and marked by a horrible, monumentally life-altering event: my grandpa died in March.

My grandpa, my Papa, my mom’s dad… is dead.

Mammy & Papa

My mom’s parents. My Mammy and Papa. ❤

Both of my mom’s parents are now dead. Both died within the past five years. Both were my nice grandparents. My dad’s parents… well, I’ve had troubles with them in the past, and I’ll just leave it at that for now. Don’t get me wrong – I love them more than words can say and wouldn’t hesitate to take a bullet for either of them – but, basically, both of my nice grandparents are dead.

I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve right now. What the fuck happened? It seems like it was Christmas just a couple months ago! This is freaking insane! I’m not used to this. I hate time flying. Especially because now it just makes Mammy and Papa move farther and farther away quicker and quicker.

Ugh… I haven’t slept all night, and I haven’t been sleeping good at all… well, for pretty much my entire life, but especially these last few weeks. Really, ever since my grandpa died, I guess, but these past couple of weeks have been really bad. I’m going to go try and sleep again. Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas or holiday or just a vacation, whatever this is for you. Bye!


First Day Back At School

Hey. Well, today marked the official end of my Christmas vacation. No frowny face, though- I’m fairly happy to be back at school, for multiple reasons. First, I think I was going to go crazy if I was stuck at home for even one more day. I don’t think my family and I were meant to be together 24/7, let me tell you! Second, I missed my friends, who I hadn’t seen since before the break. And third, I was just getting bored. Today was pretty fun, even though I was exhausted (i haven’t been sleeping very well lately). I brought my laptop and tested to see if I could take notes without getting distracted, and so far, so good! I took amazing notes in Religion, plus I used my online Geometry book without distraction. Alright, I’m going to go play some games before my half hour of free time is up. Sorry for the short post. Maybe if I finish my homework I’ll post a longer one. Bye!


Sledding (And Other Happenings Of Today)

Hey! Today was a long day. As the title says, we went sledding, but that was later in the day. Today started out with me (and eventually my mom) searching for an hour for my snow pants so I could play outside in the snow with my family. Up until that point, I had been typing Chapter 2 of Running in my room. By the time we find my snow pants, everyone is coming in (literally, I walked up the stairs with my pants and they were walking in the door). My little 5-year-old brother AJ says he’ll go back out with me to play with me, so he waits for me to put my pants, boots, hat, scarf, and jacket on, and we go out in the snow.

About five minutes later, he wants me to push him on the swing, so we walk across the yard to the swing, and he tries to hop on. This knocks his glove off. “Oh no!” he shouts. Finally, after several failed attempts to put his glove on, I admit defeat. “Alright, let’s go have Mommy put it on,” I say. I tell you, trying to put on a five-year-old’d glove is hard work! We start running to the front yard, where my mom and my 13-year-old brother Roman are shoveling the driveway, but halfway there, AJ’s boot falls off!

“Sam!” he yells, since I’m a little ahead (I am 9 1/2 years older than him). “My boot! It fell off!” I look back and see that, yes, it had indeed gotten stuck in the snow and was not on his foot. Now I’m starting to worry, since AJ’s sitting in the snow, his foot (the one without the boot on it) in the snow, and it’s 15°F, with the windchill making it seem 20°F colder. I yell, “Stick your foot up in the air!” He doesn’t, so I try a different tactic. “C’mon, stand up so I can carry you to Mom!” I shout (I’m yelling and shouting because 1. my hood makes it hard to hear, and 2. I’m nervous that if he’s out in the cold any longer he could get frostbite or something. People shout when they get worried.

Anyways, when AJ hears me say “Mom,” he gets up and starts running to the front yard. I run after him, yelling at him to stop and let me carry him. He doesn’t, and we reach my mom, who basically tells him to go inside and get fixed up (get new socks, get re-bundled-up, etc…). He starts to cry, so I hurriedly explain that we’re not going to stay inside, but we’re just going to get ready to stay warm when we’re outside again. He seems to get this, and walks inside with me. When we get inside, he decides that he wants to stay in, so I take his snow clothes off and wrap him in a blanket, and then go back out to help shovel.

Fast forward a few hours. We went sledding. It was really fun! I tried to use my snowboard that I got for Christmas, but my feet were too big. Amanda and AJ were able to use it, though. At the end of our sledding adventures, Mom, me, Roman, AJ, and Amanda all went down the hill in the same sled a few times. It was fun!

Yep, today was really fun! Alright, I’m going to go see if I can finish Chapter 2 of Running, maybe get it published on Wattpad tonight? Bye!


Happy New Year!

Hey! Happy New Year! And yes, I did edit this post so it would publish at exactly 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 2014. Awesome, right?! I thought so. Okay, just wanted to say that. I know it’s short, but it’s Christmas (yes, I wrote this post on December 25, 2013 🙂 ), and that means it’s time to spend time with family and friends. Bye!


What I Got For Christmas

Hey. Okay, first, I should tell you, if you don’t like listening to other people’s gifts that they received, then stop reading, because I am going to go through literally everything that I got. I have my present pile (like that alliteration? 🙂 ) right next to me, ready to go through it and tell you everything I got. Well, here we go.

Christmas Eve Presents

I got presents from my aunt, my grandpa, and my great aunt and uncle on Christmas Eve. I got a beautiful bracelet from my grandpa. Maybe I’ll post a picture of it later. From my aunt, I received a Christmas ornament, as well as some make-up stuff, hair stuff, and nail stuff. From my great aunt and uncle, I received $20, plus a bunch of candy! Christmas Eve was fun.

Christmas Day Presents

Get comfy, because this is a long list. Okay, I’ll start with the stuff from my parents and Santa. I got a lot of shirts, which I was in desperate need of. I of course got a stocking full of candy and deodorant and blistex and a sock monkey and an iTunes gift card, along with other stuff. Oh, and Uncle put $50 in a card in my stocking. Now, back to the presents that were waiting under the tree. I got Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 for the PS3, another sock monkey, sock monkey slippers, Taken 2, Taylor Swift’s debut album, Pokemon X, Salt, a Webkinz (don’t know why, but I’m not complaining- I get a part of my childhood back!), as well as Sim City for the computer. I also got a blanket, a snowboard, an ornament, a calender, lotion, a snuggie, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS, gloves, a scarf, a hat, and a coffee cup with a $10 Dunkin Donuts gift card in it. I believe that’s the majority of it. Oh yeah, and my laptop that I’m using right now! Later, I received a $100 bill from my grandparents.

Yeah, it was a pretty awesome Christmas. How was yours? And I’m still keeping the posting streak! This is the 10th day, I believe? Alright, that’s it for now. Bye!


It’s Christmas Eve!

 Hey! As you probably have realized, it’s Christmas Eve! And, it’s just starting to sink in for me. Just barely. I just wrapped a shit-ton of presents, but I like wrapping, so it was fun. I enjoyed it. Later, we are going to 4 o’clock mass, which is the first Christmas mass that I remember without Father Peter, but it’s also Father Shemek’s first Christmas mass with us. After mass, we’re going to go to my grandpa’s house to meet up with my aunt and her boyfriend, Bill, and his son, Neil, my cousin, Zach, where we exchange gifts with them. Then, at around 8 or 9, we go home and sleep. Well, at least us kids do. My parents and my Uncle (he stays over every Christmas Eve night) stay up late. Okay, I think that’s it for now. Time to go work on my Dos quarter project (history, in case you forgot). Oh, and I STILL kept the posting streak. Look at that! Alright, that’s really it. Bye!


 P.S. Maybe tomorrow I’ll post a picture of our tree?

Where Are You Burban?!

Hey. Burban is missing. We can’t find her anywhere. She’s been AWOL since around 3 in the afternoon (I think that’s when I saw her last). It was around when Gabby left. Which scares me, cuz it makes me wonder if she somehow got past me and out the door, even though I was watching for her. I’m crying. I’m so scared. What if she’s hurt? What if she’s dead?

Hey again! The reason I say that is because that first part was written about a half hour ago. I stopped the post and went to find Burban. Following advice from my Uncle’s mom (not my grandma, since he’s not my blood uncle, but he’s my uncle in all the other ways), I looked in Amanda and AJ’s closet (they share a room), and after pushing aside all of the crap that was in a huge pile on the closet floor, found Burban! I was so relieved! I pulled her out and into my arms for a ginormous bear hug, which, surprisingly, she stayed calm and still for (she normally stays still for hugs from me and my mom, no one else, but I hugged her very, very tightly). I am so happy right now, you don’t even know. Phew. My mind was going to dark places, like thinking she wasn’t going to be here for Christmas and stuff like that. But it’s all better now. Thank you, God! Alright, I guess that’s it. Oh, wait. I kept my posting streak. Again! This is the seventh day, I believe. Okay, that’s really it. Bye!


X-Mas Origin

Hey. First off, no, I don’t mean Christmas origin. I literally mean X-Mas origin. Anyways, I was looking up a word on Dictionary.com, and it said something like The X In X-Mas. I clicked on it and found out that the X is actually the first letter of a Greek word (Χριστός) meaning Christ. So, really, the X in X-Mas stands for Christ. That means that X-Mas is literally Christmas.  Also, on a different note, wow. I’ve been posting two posts a day for the past two days. Just, wow. Okay, that’s it for now. Bye!


My Christmas Vacation Has Officially Started

Hey. As of… exactly an hour ago right now (3:30), I am officially on my Christmas vacation! Woot woot! Yeah! And, Christmas is a mere 5 days away! Rebecca LOVED the gift, and Mrs. Arruda and Ms. Picone loved their gifts as well. Today was pretty fun. My history teacher Mr. Dos Santos (a.k.a. Dos), represented the 11 lords a leaping and he had to kind of jump and click his heels together in front of the whole school!! I almost died of laughter (not really, obviously, but I almost had to take my inhaler!). Look up bishop connolly teachers 12 days of christmas 2009 on Youtube to get an idea of why he had to do this. Anyway, I think that’s it for now. Goodbye BCHS of 2013! Bye!
