Being Sick While Grounded Really Sucks

Hey. So, I have strep throat. And I’m also not going to school tomorrow, which means I’m missing my art field trip. It’s kinda funny, because I’ve never made a single art field trip in my life, out of the two or three that I’ve had. That sucks, too, though, because Mr. Sampl’s trip tomorrow sounds pretty fun. Anyways, being grounded while home sick seriously blows. I can’t really do anything, since I have no new books to read. Actually, I think I’ll ask my mom to take me to Barnes and Noble tonight…. I’ll have to get back to you on that. Anyways, sorry for the short post, but this is all the time I can afford to risk, me being grounded and all 😦 Bye!


I Had A Bad Not-Fever Today

Hey. So, I bet you’re wondering what I mean by “not-fever,” right? Well, let me tell you what happened to me in school today. It all started when my art teacher, Mr. Sampl, noticed that I was shivering really, really badly because I was freezing, even though everyone else was complaining how his room must be the hottest room in the school. He sent me to the nurse because he was worried that I might be sick. So, I get the the nurse, she takes my temperature, and do you wanna know what the thermometer said? 95.7°F. Yep, you read that right. Ninety-five freaking degrees! I took it out of my mouth when it beeped, looked at it, and handed it to the nurse, saying “I think it must be broken.” She said no, she had just taken some other kid’s temp earlier, and it worked just fine, and asked why I thought that while looking down at what it read. A second later she says, “I’m sure it works fine. You’re just really cold, I guess.” So, long story short, I had to wear my big winter jacket all day. In my school that has uniforms, with a strict “only wear BCHS fleeces or sweaters during the school day” rule. Yeah, I got some weird looks, but it was better than freezing. Alright, I gotta go do homework. Oh, and don’t worry- I haven’t forgotten about that requested post. I just haven’t finished it yet. Bye!


Religion And Art Midterms And Tomorrow

Hey. So, my religion midterm was a piece of cake (I think) and my art midterm wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Yay! And do you know what tomorrow is? ~dramatic pause~ It will be the one month mark of posting every single day! How awesome is that?! I know, right?! Oh, and sorry for saying that I had another post coming yesterday when I didn’t. I started working on it, but then I had to study more. Alright, sorry for the short post, but I need to leave school to go home. I’ll post that post I meant to put up yesterday later. Bye!


History And Geometry Midterms

Hey. Well, my Dos (history) midterm wasn’t really hard like I thought it was going to be, and my geometry midterm was a piece of cake (I think). I’m so glad to have those done, but I have my art midterm tomorrow. Go on, laugh at me, but his one test that we had was SO FREAKING HARD, and this is a midterm. How the hell am I supposed to be optimistic about this?! I’m not. Alright, that’s it for this post. I have another one coming, so don’t worry about the shortness of this one. Bye!


New York And A Big Thank You To Bing And Grey’s Anatomy

Hey. Well, if there’s one good thing that came out of not airing a Grey’s Anatomy on Thanksgiving, it’s that a couple new people discovered my blog, thanks to them searching Bing for some answers as to if there was an episode or not. I would still rather have an episode to watch, but whatever. Also, I went to New York with Gabby and her mom and two of her mom’s friends on Sunday! It was so much fun! We just shopped, but I got my Christmas shopping done for my little brother A.J. and little sister Amanda. The train ride back was hilarious. Okay, I have to go read and make an outline for my history homework, then study for an art quiz tomorrow. Bye!
