My Week

Hey. So, this vacation was really good. It got started early in the week, when we went bowling and had icecream sundaes one night. Then, on Thursday, we went swimming (inside, of course), and then we went to eat at Red Robin (YUM!!), and after that I slept at a friend’s house. Friday, I just chilled at my friend’s house, so it was pretty relaxing. Also, on Friday night, my friend’s brother, who’s also my friend, slept at my house. We played a lot of Halo and COD (I won a lot at Halo, COD not so much, I don’t play it a lot). He went home on Saturday, so I got to relax a bit before Monster Jam (monster trucks) on Sunday. My whole family went, as well as the two brothers and their dad. My little 4-year-old brother A.J. actually fell asleep in the middle of it! Can you imagine! Monster trucks roaring, and he’s just sleeping the day away. It was crazy. Anyways, that’s my week in a nutshell. Pretty fun. So, bye for now!



Hey. I have a lot of dreams. I want to be a published author before I’m 18 (well, actually, I HAVE to do that, since I told my favorite English teachers that I would do it), I want to be a vet when I grow up, I want to go to Boston College, I want to go to a Super Bowl that the Patriots are in. A lot of stuff. I’d like to say that I know what’s good for me, and I know what’s going to happen, but the truth is, I don’t. For the first time EVER, I’m struggling in school. I’m having trouble with my chronic Lyme Disease again. I really don’t know what to do. It’s all hitting me at the same time, and I feel lost as to how to deal with it all. Who knows if I’ll achieve even ONE of my hopes and dreams. I just want a clearer future, that’s all. Is that so hard to do? Apparently so. Sorry this post is a bit depressing, but bye for now!


My Writing

Hey. So, I want to be an author when I grow up. One of my other blogs is about my writing – you should check it out sometime. Anyways, I made an account on Wattpad, a site to share writings. My name is SamanthaMurphy0. I didn’t make it that way – it just synced with facebook. So, you should check it out. Just sayin’. Bye for now!

A Pretty Good Day

Hey. So, today was a good day. It started with some exciting news, which I have been waiting for for awhile. Then, we went sledding, and although most of the snow was gone (wow) we still had fun. Then, I went to the store with my mom to get stuff for icecream sundaes. Then, when we got home, we ate dinner, and after that we ate the best icecreams ever. So yeah, today was good. Yay! Bye for now!


Hey. I am so so so bored right now. As much as I LOVE history class with the awesomest history teacher EVER, it can get boring sometimes. Like now. I really don’t care about the beginning of the fall of Rome. It’s not like I’m gonna need to know this. I have no idea why they make us take history. There’s no point. I mean, I get that you should know the basic stuff, but why do we need to go so in-depth? I like the class in general, but I don’t like the subject. It’s not really interesting. Now, see, an interesting class could be biology, but I have a sucky teacher who doesn’t dissect stuff, and doesn’t actually TEACH us- she just gives us the information and expects us to understand. Plus, she’s mean, too. Like, if one person is being stupid and not listening, then she gives the whole class detention. Not kidding. True story. I hate Ms. Lamas. I know, funny name. The first days of school we referred to her as the llama lady. Anyways, I have to go- the bell’s gonna ring soon. And besides, we have mass after biology. Bye for now!


Storm Update

Hey. So, we got power back a few hours ago. My mom was so happy that she did a happy dance. I’m glad that the power is back on- it was getting really cold, even with the fire. Anyways, I have a friend over, and have to entertain her,so bye for now!


Hey. So, we have about half a foot of snow outside, heavy, wet snow, so we’re expecting to lose power. It hasn’t been boring around here, though. I’ve been playing on my kindle, and went to play outside with my 3 little siblings for a while. Then my parents came out, and the whole family was having a snowball fight until I had to shovel with my mom. After that, me and my mom went inside to find that we were literally dripping wet! It was crazy! Well, that’s it for now. Updates to come, maybe. Bye!


Storm and Doctors

Hey. Yay! There’s supposed to be a blizzard tomorrow! My school is already cancelled! I can’t wait to play in the snow. Yes, at 14 I still love snow. I’m so excited! On another note, today I went to a new Lyme specialist. I had to get 5 whole vials of blood taken, but it was by far the most awesomest blood drawing experience that has ever happened to me. First of all, they had this numbing spray, so I barely felt the needle going in. Also, they press some button on the needle holder when they’re done, and the needle pops out, quick and painlessly and automatically. It was sooo cool!. Also, I’m still working on getting a picture of our hamster up, so stay tuned! Bye for now!