My Favorite Self-Written Poem Because The Post Said To

Hey! So, the Weekly Writing Challenge for this week was to post a poem I’ve written. I know I’ve already posted this one, but I’m going to post it again, because I love it so much. My favorite poem I’ve ever written:

By: Samantha Murphy

I remember the time

We were learning to rhyme

When we learned 2 + 2 = 4.

I remember the day

We were a long time away

From finding who we are at the core.

Those were good times

When we could cry and whine

And we wouldn’t get sent out the door.

Going even farther back

When the clothes on the rack

Labeled “T” fit us quite well.

When we could do no wrong

And then for so long

The adults were all in a spell.

When the shadows were scary-

They were monsters and hairy

And would eat us as far as we could tell.

I remember when we

As far as anyone could see

Were little angels, sent from above.

But some things stay the same

And the thing that always came

And still does is never ending love.

I wrote this in eight grade. I love it. I think it’s awesome. And that’s really all that matters.

But, for this Weekly Writing Challenge, I wanted to write a new poem as well as share that one. So, I wrote this one (right now, actually):

A Doubting Thomas

By: Samantha Murphy

I’m waiting and hoping

for the impossible.

Maybe this is my way of coping.

You’re here and over there

they all point out, hopeful.

But I know the truth is you’re nowhere.

But what about that strange

Happening yesterday

It really made my views want to change.

So maybe you are here

And maybe over there

And maybe, perhaps, you’re everywhere.

When my grandma died, I wrote a lot of poems like these (except they related a little bit more to my experience). I guess it was my way of coping. I must’ve written at least ten of them (I’ll ask my mom where she put them and post them if she remembers). Everyone she showed them to was like, whoa, a sixth grader wrote this? I still don’t think they warranted that response- they were okay, but not amazing.

Anyways, maybe I’ll add another one to this post. Maybe not. But I hope you enjoyed my poems.


P.S. The original image URLs can be found by clicking the images, as always.

My 8th Grade Work Is Better Than Any Professional Work I’ve Read

Hey! So, have you ever made something that you’ve absolutely fallen in love with, and you think it’s way better than professionals could do? Well, that’s how I feel about my poem. I’m a little on-the-fence about sharing it, but I want people to see it because I love it so much, so I will. Here it is:

By: Samantha Murphy

I remember the time

We were learning to rhyme

When we learned 2 + 2 = 4.

I remember the day

We were a long time away

From finding who we are at the core.

Those were good times

When we could cry and whine

And we wouldn’t get sent out the door.

Going even farther back

When the clothes on the rack

Labeled “T” fit us quite well.

When we could do no wrong

And then for so long

The adults were all in a spell.

When the shadows were scary-

They were monsters and hairy

And would eat us as far as we could tell.

I remember when we

As far as anyone could see

Were little angels, sent from above.

But some things stay the same

And the thing that always came

And still does is never ending love.

That was when I truly realized my writing talent. I mean, I knew I was good at writing before then, but I wrote this over the course of less than ten minutes, using only my mind. Something funny- I just re-read the paper that I was given in 8th grade, and apparently I was supposed to write it on a separate piece of paper. Oops 🙂 Oh well. I still got a 100 on it.

Anyways, this is why I write. Because I love what I come out with. And I just love to write, period. The end. End of story.

I can only write because I love to read, of course. And my love of reading started in the 1st grade, when I brought home Lemony Snicket’s The Bad Beginning, the first book of A Series Of Unfortunate Events. An amazing series, by the way. But, back to my story.

Yes, as a 1st grader, I had my mom read it to me every night before bed. And we read through the whole series. THAT was when my love of reading really started.

My love of writing started in the 3rd grade, when we had to write a short story. I wrote a little something about some characters called Lameia, Haikee, and Sankium. I’ve now turned that little story into The Crystal Guardians: Book 1, which is found here on Wattpad.

My goal is to be published before I turn 18 on September 11, 2016. And I plan to reach that goal, so watch for some new book published by Samantha Murphy in 2016.


P.S. This was written in response to this week’s Weekly Writing Challenge. And as always, the original image URL can be found by simply clicking the image.

I’ve Posted For A Month Straight!

Hey! I’VE POSTED FOR A MONTH STRAIGHT!! AWESOMENESS!! Amazing, right?! Especially for me, who barely ever posted more than five times a month before this 🙂 But, it looks like this posting streak may end, because now I’m grounded for a week. I’m NOT going to go into the whys, because I don’t want to, but hopefully I can find ways to update all week. Let’s celebrate, shall we?


Alright, that’s it. Sorry for the short post, but I’ll post another update after this, also somewhat celebratory, at least for me. Bye!


PSAT Results

Hey. So, guess what?! I got in the freaking 95th percentile on my PSAT’s for math!!! (and 85th-81st for English). This is freaking amazing, awesome, pure awesomeness. That means I did better than 95% of the people who took the math section of the PSAT’s!!! I am truly amazed at myself. Okay, I think that’s it for tonight. Sorry for the short post. Bye!!


You’ll Never Believe What Has Happened To Me The Last Few Days

Hey! So, guess what I found out on Friday? One of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Pereira (I think I’ve mentioned her before….), freakin’ DIED when she was 9!!! Okay, I know that sounds weird, so let me back up a bit. I was explaining to her how much I fucking HATED the ending of Allegiant by Veronica Roth (without the fucking, of course 🙂 ) and she was like, ‘I hate it when books have bad endings, because it takes me so long to read them because I have basically no short term memory because I was hit by a truck when I was 9.’ I was like, ‘Woah, back up. You got hit by a truck?!’ And she was like, ‘Yeah, I actually died in the street, but they revived me. When I came out of my coma, I had to relearn almost everything, and I only knew my mom, not even my dad. I also had no short term memory, so that’s why I have to reread parts of books a lot to get the information to stick.’ This whole time I was slightly shaking as I thought how close I came to losing her before I even knew her. I was just thinking, What the hell! I was shocked, to say the least. I gave her a hug, and was like, ‘good thing you lived, since you’re so awesome.’ She was like, ‘aww, you’re awesome too!’ Isn’t that crazy?! Also, on a totally different note, I GOT A FREAKING 94 ON A SPANISH TEST!!!!! And I seriously SUCK at spanish! It was awesome, pure awesomeness!! Okay, I’m going to go write more of a new story I came up with. Maybe in an hour, you could check it out on Wattpad, if it’s there. It’s called Outcast. Okay, bye!!


P.S. Here’d the cover for Outcast:



Hey. OUR NEW KITTEN!!!!! ❤ Burban is named after the color (which I don’t think I spelled right, but I like that spelling), and is 8 to 10 weeks old. She was taken from the wild by my mom’s friend because the friend didn’t want a thousand kittens to be born when Burban grew up, since Burban was living right near the friend’s house. The friend brought Burban to work yesterday and gave her to my mom, who brought her home. My dad suggested the name Burban, and it stuck! HERE SHE IS:


This next one has flash, unlike the last one, so her eyes are squinted, and look weird (plus she’s yawning), but you get a better look at the rest of her:


ISN’T SHE JUST THE CUTEST THING?! I love her so much! I held her for like literally five hours straight last night, and we bonded a lot! Okay, I’m going to go hold her again. More later! Bye!


This. Is. AMAZING!!!

Hi. So, my aunt shared this link on Facebook. This is an amazingly well-written post, and the best part is that it’s so true. So, yeah. Read it and be awed! Also, the title is very misleading if you haven’t read the post, so I will explain it a little. Matt Walsh was sent an email that said the title of the post, basically, so don’t worry, all you parents out there who were previously offended by the title. It’s not his opinion. It’s not what you think. So now, without further ado, READ THIS POST:


New Favorite Song

So, have you ever heard that song Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever)? Well, it’s freaking awesome! Yes, I first heard it in a video with Gabby, over at gabbyisspeaking, and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. My other favorite songs are S.I.Y.R. by Stuck In Your Radio, and anything Taylor Swift. And sorry if this makes you not like me, but I also like One Direction. Anyways, that’s my talk of the day. Stay happy! Bye!


P.S. she said I love this song I’ve heard it before and it stole my heart I know every word she’s gonna dance all night night till it hurts singing the best song ever best song ever give me your hand