ER Visit Last Night

Hey. Alright, so, before I start, I’d like to say that I’m fine, no, so far it’s not serious. Here’s the deal. I’d been experiencing some slightly disturbing symptoms. The most disturbing part is the fact that all of this had only started about 11 hours before. It began with me umpiring a baseball game on Saturday. When I was jogging around, I realized that my lower shins hurt when I ran. I shook it off, attributing it to I always hurt or have some kind of pain. Later, when I was shaving my legs Saturday night, I noticed that I had a rash near my right ankle. I attributed it to razor burn, but questioned it since it’s a brand-new razor that I’d just opened. Upon further inspection, I realized that both of my ankles were pretty swollen, the right one way worse than the left.

I finished drying off and then went down stairs to show my mom, who immediately saw it from about 4 to 5 feet away (that’s how swollen it was). She said to show my dad, who glanced at it and was like, “yep, it’s swollen alright!” I pointed out that my left ankle was swollen as well, and my mom suggested I wrap my right one, since it was crazy swollen. I did, then went to bed a little while later.

Fast forward to the next day. It’s a little less swollen, but hurts more. My throat also hurts a little when I swallow. I’m pushing my littlest sibling on the swing when my right wrist starts to hurt. I compare it to my left one and realize that my right wrist is indeed swollen. Soon after, my left knee starts to hurt, and that’s swollen, too. Also, my left wrist is swollen (on the opposite side than the right one was). My mom then calls my doctor, who tells her to bring me to the ER.

Now I’m freaking out. I have no idea what the hell is happening, or why it’s happening so freaking fast. So, my dad brings me to the ER, and I have 5 FREAKING VIALS of blood drawn. 5. Vials. Of. Blood. It wasn’t that bad, though, I must admit. They were really nice, and even made me smile. Oh, and I forgot to mention, while I was waiting for the doctor to come in, my right knee started to hurt, and I realized that it was swollen, too.

The initial labs, like the arthritis one, came back negative, so I got to go home, and now we’re waiting on the labs that take longer to come back (including the Lyme one). I really hope it’s not the fucking Lyme. I’ll do a post on that later.

Anyways, here’s a list of my symptoms:

  • hurts on lower shins when jogging or running
  • rash on right ankle
  • VERY swollen and painful right ankle
  • swollen and painful left ankle
  • hurts a little to swallow
  • swollen and painful right wrist
  • swollen and painful left wrist
  • swollen and painful left knee
  • swollen and painful right knee

I think that’s is, but there might be more. Possibly. Do any of you have any ideas?

Anyways, I’m okay. I just want to see what you all think. Please comment if you have ANY ideas at all. Thanks! Bye!
