Christmas Shopping Is Done!!

Hey! Thanks to Amazon and my Dad’s credit card (for the ordering- I’m paying for the stuff myself…), my Christmas shopping is D-O-N-E done! Yay! Now I can focus on other, “fun” things, like waiting for Christmas. Have I ever mentioned that I hate patience? WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! If you are Mrs. Arruda, Mom, Dad, Ro, Mina, AJ, Uncle, Gabby, Rebecca, or Zach, do not, I repeat, do NOT read any further. Skip the rest of this post until after Christmas, since I will be in the middle of telling everyone what your gifts are. So, here we go. For Mrs. Arruda, we require a bit of a backstory. She is our school’s secretary, and she does, like, EVERYTHING! Well, her dad died last month, a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. When I went to his wake, I gave her a box. In it was a note (among two other things that I might say in another post). It said not to worry about her dad, because I knew he was in Heaven, since I saw two rainbows, one on each side of the sun, the day he died (I explained in the note how I read somewhere how everytime someone dies, God sends a rainbow to carry them to Heaven). Ever since then, she has been seeing rainbows everywhere. So, for Christmas, to get her into the Christmas spirit (she hasn’t been feeling it, understandably), I decided to give her a gift. It is a Kikkerland Window-Mount Solar-Powered Heart Rainbow Maker. Isn’t that a great idea?! I thought so. I just hope it isn’t late, since it is supposed to be in on Thursday, and Friday is the last school day of the year. Anyway, for Mom, I got a nice clear glass cross. For Dad, a Steelers fan, I got a Terrible Towel. For Ro (Roman), my brother, I got another Terrible Towel, plus a mini Statue Of Liberty. For Mina (Amanda), my sister, an I ❤ NY coin purse, a mini NY bell, and a mini Statue Of Liberty. For AJ, my brother, a Santa-In-The-Box, a mini NY bell, and a mini Statue Of Liberty. For Uncle, a serious Trekkie (like me 🙂 ), a replica Starfleet Command division badge. For Gabby, one of my best friends, a creeper (Minecraft) pendant necklace. For Rebecca, my other best friend and a lover of Lord Of The Rings, an action figure set with Bilbo, Thorin, Dwalin, Kili, and Fili. And for Zach, my cousin, a Patriots licence plate frame. Aren’t those great ideas?! Wow, this was a long post. I will end it here. Bye!
