Where Are You Burban?!

Hey. Burban is missing. We can’t find her anywhere. She’s been AWOL since around 3 in the afternoon (I think that’s when I saw her last). It was around when Gabby left. Which scares me, cuz it makes me wonder if she somehow got past me and out the door, even though I was watching for her. I’m crying. I’m so scared. What if she’s hurt? What if she’s dead?

Hey again! The reason I say that is because that first part was written about a half hour ago. I stopped the post and went to find Burban. Following advice from my Uncle’s mom (not my grandma, since he’s not my blood uncle, but he’s my uncle in all the other ways), I looked in Amanda and AJ’s closet (they share a room), and after pushing aside all of the crap that was in a huge pile on the closet floor, found Burban! I was so relieved! I pulled her out and into my arms for a ginormous bear hug, which, surprisingly, she stayed calm and still for (she normally stays still for hugs from me and my mom, no one else, but I hugged her very, very tightly). I am so happy right now, you don’t even know. Phew. My mind was going to dark places, like thinking she wasn’t going to be here for Christmas and stuff like that. But it’s all better now. Thank you, God! Alright, I guess that’s it. Oh, wait. I kept my posting streak. Again! This is the seventh day, I believe. Okay, that’s really it. Bye!
