It’s Christmas Eve!

 Hey! As you probably have realized, it’s Christmas Eve! And, it’s just starting to sink in for me. Just barely. I just wrapped a shit-ton of presents, but I like wrapping, so it was fun. I enjoyed it. Later, we are going to 4 o’clock mass, which is the first Christmas mass that I remember without Father Peter, but it’s also Father Shemek’s first Christmas mass with us. After mass, we’re going to go to my grandpa’s house to meet up with my aunt and her boyfriend, Bill, and his son, Neil, my cousin, Zach, where we exchange gifts with them. Then, at around 8 or 9, we go home and sleep. Well, at least us kids do. My parents and my Uncle (he stays over every Christmas Eve night) stay up late. Okay, I think that’s it for now. Time to go work on my Dos quarter project (history, in case you forgot). Oh, and I STILL kept the posting streak. Look at that! Alright, that’s really it. Bye!


 P.S. Maybe tomorrow I’ll post a picture of our tree?